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HNP-M micro annular gear pumps

HNP-M micro annular gear pumps

Highly precise metering volumes in microliter to millilitre range and smallest volumetric flows, also for non-lubricating and inert fluids.

GATHER magnetically coupled process pumps

GATHER magnetically coupled process pumps

Hermetically sealed pumps for pulseless metering, pumping and circulating low to medium viscous, lubricating and non-lubricating fluids.

MAHR metering pumps

MAHR metering pumps

High-precision positive displacement pumps for accurate metering of liquid media. From wax to paint applications.

Case stories

Dosing system

Dosing corrosive monomers in a pressure reactor

Fluid handling

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Dosing microliters at high differential pressure in an ATEX-environment

Fluid handling

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Turning a batch process into a continuous one

Fluid handling

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